“My doctor told me that I do not have enough fat in my breastmilk now that my son is 1 year old and that I should give him cow’s milk. Do I really have to do this?”
[Read more…]Breastfeeding Journey Of A Micro-Preemie
by Hava Rich
Yesterday was the first time in 97 days I didn’t pump. From the day I had Jameson I’ve pumped every three hours, minus a 5 hour stretch to get a little extra sleep.

Who Cries Over Spilled Milk?
By Shalmeka Sweet
I always knew I wanted to breastfeed my child. However, my plans for breastfeeding my daughter were almost derailed after my daughter was born 10 weeks early. I was admitted to the hospital after a routine doctor’s appointment. My prognosis changed daily and I wanted to be ready for the first latch upon her arrival. Being the planner that I am, I immediately called my insurance company to request a breast pump. I’d read pumping can increase milk production for premature births. The insurance company advised me I was eligible for a free breast pump. However, since I had not delivered the baby, they would need a note from the hospital stating my admittance due to prematurity. The hospital provided the letter but it was faced with opposition as they could not fathom my concern with obtaining a breast pump. They submitted the letter to the insurance company while I was a mother in-waiting to possibly deliver my daughter at any moment. After being admitted into the hospital for almost two weeks my daughter was born via emergency c-section due to heart rate irregularity.
[Read more…]Milkies Breast Milk Jewelry Review
Days can feel like a lifetime as a breastfeeding mom. When things get rough we feel like our babies will small forever and that we will be breastfeeding until the end of time. But one day you will look back and this will all be over. Your kids will be pulling on your shirt begging for that cool new gadget for their birthday or you’ll try to pick them up and realize that you can’t do it anymore. It might not seem like it now, as you lie here tired, another night of no sleep, sore nipples and secretly yearning for the day they finally wean. It sneaks up on you.