Vaginal dryness is a real problem and often we are struggling with discomfort that we don’t realize is a result of it. Have you experienced a burning sensation in your vaginal area? Itching? Discomfort during sex? All this over some vaginal dryness? Well, yes.
[Read more…]Milk Saver, Milk Saver On-The-Go And Milk Trays by Fairhaven Health
The Milkies Milk Saver is designed to be placed on the opposite breast while breastfeeding or pumping. You can simply slip it into your shirt or bra and place your nipple in the hole. When you are finished you can transfer the milk to your favorite storage container to be used later. People are constantly shocked at how much milk they are leaking. I’m talking ounces upon ounces per day! The Milkies Milk Saver fits a little more than 2 ounces of breastmilk in a comfortable and sleek design. It comes with a lid to prevent spills and a stylish portable case. The Milk-Saver has zero chemical leaching and contains no BPA or phthalates, and it’s silicone-free. It’s getting praise around the world from moms and professionals alike for a reason.
[Read more…]Does Breastfeeding Cause Cavities?
You’ve probably heard it. Breastmilk is sugary and causes cavities, especially at night! So is this really true? Is it really true that your body grew a baby, birthed a baby and then created milk specifically for your baby, but that milk actually rots their teeth?
[Read more…]Breastfeeding All Around the Bay by Jasmine Marquez
It happened in that order: 1st I became a lactation consultant – 2nd I became a mom – 3rd I became an author.

The Realities of Breastfeeding
Gina Brocker writes, “With my ten-month-old son strapped onto my front and camera in hand, I squeezed into Monica’s SUV. I began to document her feeding her sixteen-month-old daughter following the regular afternoon pick up of her older daughter. Marlin was snug in her lap nursing, while three-year-old Simona climbed to the front of the car to see what other entertainment she could find. Kids songs played on the speakers and the cracked windows let just enough breeze in. They were parked outside the Arnold Arboretum, in Boston, hoping to take advantage of the spring weather.”

After personally navigating uncomfortable and challenging situations, the need to share the realities of breastfeeding led me to begin this project. Usually worn in a wrap, and often nursing, my son, and later, daughter, and I ventured into over 50 Boston-based families’ homes and lives to document their typical breastfeeding routines. Hearing from the various caregivers reaffirmed how crucial sharing their experience is. Knowing the realities of breastfeeding empowers families and normalizes this very natural and beneficial part of life. You can follow Gina Brocker’s entire project at her website.
5 Breastfeeding Tips to Help You Get Through the Night
Nothing prepares you for being a parent. While the first few weeks and months are unforgettable they are also incredibly exhausting.
Amongst all the excitement and the attention given to the newborn, something often gets forgotten, that’s the health of one very important person, you – the mom. And as you have a little one to care for now, nothing is as essential as sustaining your own physical and mental health. [Read more…]
We stand with everyone in the LGBTQ community, your family and friends. We mourn the lost lives with you and feel your power in the aftermath of this hate crime. We think of you every time we look in or out our window. I am dedicated to teaching my sons love, peace, acceptance and that they can love whoever they want. #OrlandoStrong
Breastfeeding Is Not Private
Breastfeeding isn’t private for me. At all. It’s no more private for me than eating, sipping water, holding my husband’s hand or hugging friends. It’s private for some people and that’s totally cool. That’s just not my personal story. No one would ever interrupt my husband and I holding hands while eating dinner to tell us we were being inappropriate. I don’t see any reason to do this to a breastfeeding mother. Ever. There is never a reason to treat a breastfeeding mother any different than anyone else on the street. Unless she is about to wander into traffic just let her be.
My Ugly Belly Bulge
This past weekend I was getting dressed for Easter Sunday brunch. When I put on my dress I realized I had forgotten my shaper, which is really just high-as-hell underwear to cover up that little bugle I have that sticks out over regular underwear or pants. I stood in the mirror scolding this belly bulge and myself for forgetting the most important piece of my wardrobe; the one that covers up my true body shape. [Read more…]