A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

You Need Me

By Cydney Damo,

9 months postpartum. This is the real, raw image of my life 9 months into motherhood. No, my body didn’t “bounce back” and that’s ok. I probably eat more carbs than I should. I probably eat more sweets than I should. Most of the time I don’t eat breakfast and then sometimes I don’t eat lunch until 3pm and then eat supper at 7 but that’s ok. Sometimes I scarf my food down while my baby girl is sitting in my lap trying to slap the food out of my hand… and that’s ok. I promise you, despite what social media may tell you.. it’s not all “rainbows and butterflies” babies cry. babies scream. babies want YOU and sometimes ONLY YOU.

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Breastfeeding In A Sea of People

By Anonymous

Before I had my first, Lennon, I was a mild mannered (boring) tax accountant.  Conservatively dressed working in a stuffy office.  I was never without pantyhose.  But when I got pregnant, I completely changed!  For the better.  I sought out a home-birth midwife and planned to have my baby in the water.
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Comparing Breastfeeding Experiences

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, tandem nursing, tandem breastfeeding

I’m sure you’ve heard about not comparing your child to another child. Every child develops differently and there is no way you can judge your baby’s development based on someone else’s baby.

So why do we do the same thing to ourselves? I have a friend who told me that breastfeeding was no problem for her at all. She never had any struggles and breastfed both of her children until they stopped on their own. It used to make me feel jealous and defensive to hear her talk about breastfeeding.

Then I realized that my journey is just as awesome. It’s different than hers. And it’s different than any other mother’s journey. It has been a roller coaster of emotions and problems from kicking formula supplements, to nursing aversion, to tandem feeding and breastfeeding while pregnant. I don’t see my breastfeeding journey with my boys as “problem free.” And I am proud of that now rather than jealous of others.

I have a unique story with my boys. We all do. No one’s story is more valuable than any other’s. This is one beautiful, crazy, messy life that I am proud to call my own and to share with my boys every day. 

The Badass on All About Breastfeeding

Interview with All About Breastfeeding

8 Tips for Breastfeeding With Boundaries

We talk a lot about breastfeeding on demand, so much that when I found myself breastfeeding a toddler I just kept right on doing it on demand! It wasn’t until I was pregnant and experiencing nursing aversion and all kinds of touched out that I started to feel drained. I birthed my new baby and embarked on tandem nursing thinking it would all be cool and I could just breastfeed the whole damn family on demand. I was losing my mind [Read more…]

Nikki’s Breastfeeding Struggles and Why Mom is Always Right

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

Nikki’s Breastfeeding Struggles and Why Mom is Always Right



Nancy Morhbacher, IBCLC Answers Breastfeeding Questions

Facebook Q&A with Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC 12-6-13

QUESTION 1: I need help with low milk supply. Ten days ago I had the flu and was dehydrated. To recover my supply, I’m 1) nursing & pumping a lot, 2) drinking lots of water and mother’s milk tea, 3) taking fenugreek 3x/day, 4) mixing flax meal into my food. It’s helping, but my supply still seems lower than usual. Any suggestions?


NANCY MOHRBACHER, IBCLC: I’m glad you reached out. You’ll be glad to know that milk production is such a hardy process that even mothers who have never been pregnant have brought in milk for adopted babies! You just need to know how it works. First, despite popular belief, drinking more water and eating foods like flax do not affect milk production. Your body knows how much [Read more…]

Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC Answers Questions About Breastfeeding Struggles

Q&A with Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC 11-20-13

QUESTION 1: My milk supply for my 4-mo-old is decreasing despite taking fenugreek and pumping. Any advice? I’m not ready to give up!

NANCY MOHRBACHER, IBCLC: I’m glad you reached out. You’ll be happy to know that milk production is a hardy process. Even mothers who have never been pregnant have brought in milk for adopted babies! You just need to know how it works. First, despite popular belief, drinking water and improving your diet does not affect milk production. Your body knows how much milk to make by the number of milk removals (breastfeeds plus pumps) each day and how fully the milk is removed. (Drained breasts make milk faster and full breasts make milk slower.) If you breastfeed your baby on cue, your baby will do this for you automatically without you even having to think about it. For most women, 7 or 8 milk removals per 24 hours are enough to keep supply steady. Fewer removals usually mean decreasing milk supply. More than 8 or 9 usually stimulate a gradual milk increase. Taking fenugreek or other herbs will not help if you’re not removing the milk often or well enough. For more on how individual differences among mothers affect this and how to use this info to keep up milk production after you’re back at work, see my posts on the Magic Number concept. [Read more…]