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Lopsided Breastfeeding Breasts and Shitty Titties

I got an email last week from a Badass who needed help. She said that her baby prefers one breast over the other and that her breasts have become lopsided. As a result of baby breastfeeding more one side, that breast mow makes more milk. Her other breast, as she calls her “shitty titty” makes less milk and is smaller in size.

Asymmetry in the body is very normal. Hold up your thumbs; they’re different aren’t they? Most breastfeeders make different amounts of milk in each breast. We just don’t usually notice! If your baby prefers one side over the other then you might notice more.

You can try the football hold or lying down to help your baby become more comfortable nursing from the other side. But don’t worry, your breasts will even out as your breastfeed longer or when you wean. And there is no problem with breastfeeding your baby more from one side.

For more of this candid and hilarious conversation listen to this week’s episode of The Badass Breastfeeding Podcast!