A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Archives for March 2014

Ask an Expert: Nipple Pain

by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA

Fan Question:

“I’m demand feeding my week old and having a lot of pain. His latch looks fine. I am nursing through the cracks and pain and using lanolin. Please help! Is there anything else I could be doing? He is nursing 15 to 20 minutes on each side most feedings, but the pain is like a pinchy stabbing pain that is really intense. Is this something that will get better? My daughter never latched so I pumped for her and my son never really took to nursing, so I also pumped for him. This is all new to me and I am hoping it works this time.” [Read more…]

The Impact of Mothers on the Breastfeeding Community

MommyCon attendee breastfeeding.

I was just browsing the MommyCon page enjoying the memories of a couple weeks ago when I saw this photo and its caption. I am 100% sure that the Admin who posted this does not know how amazing it is that they coupled this woman with their shout out about my appearance at the convention. THIS woman. [Read more…]

My Nursing Aversion Episode

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

My Nursing Aversion Episode



Badass Baby Registry

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, breastfeeding while pregnant. As I prepare for the birth of my second child I have come to realize that there is really nothing at all that is the same as the first time around. Morning sickness, yeah, ok, that’s pretty much the same, but everything else is different. Everything. I think there are a couple of reasons for this. First, it’s the second time around. I have a better idea of what I need and want for my child. [Read more…]

Breastfeeding and Open Heart Surgery

By Badass Katie, Badass Breastfeeder of the Week: 3-10-14

As most know breastfeeding can be a challenge. Try breastfeeding a baby that was born with an unknown heart defect. [Read more…]

My Nursing Aversion Episode

Read this post at Breastfeeding Basics!

My Nursing Aversion Episode 




Ask an Expert: Lipase

by Robin Kaplan, IBCLC

Fan Question:

“Apparently I may have ‘lipase’!! I have 400 oz in my freezer my babes (twins) won’t take? I’m bawling and depressed, my only relief is I’ve been told I may be able to donate??? Can anyone give me advice on this issue and going about donating? TIA” [Read more…]

I Am Going to Eat My Placenta

But seriously folks, I’m not saying that with complete enthusiasm at this point. I still cringe at the idea even though I have already made arrangements with my doula to have it encapsulated after my birth. We were recently speaking about other options besides encapsulation such as eating it raw in smoothies. She advised me that it won’t completely pulverize in the blender and there would still be small chunks to swallow. [Read more…]

Original Facebook Memes-9




bfing pregnant


come back




tash latch

who bf


[Read more…]

Ask an Expert: Is My Baby Weaning?

by Wendy Wisner, IBCLC

Fan Question:

“My bubba is 18 weeks old and I think he’s weaning off the boob . He feeds fine during the night, even comfort feeds but during the days it’s becoming increasingly impossible to get anything into him, he feeds for 5 mins (if that) then he’s off and he’s crying at me and doesn’t want to take anymore from me. I’m at such a loss. Do I need to start giving him formula? Do I need to start giving him food?” [Read more…]