A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

10 Things I Hate About Breastfeeding

It’s Breastfeeding Awareness Month 2017 baby! And I am here to rant about things I cannot stand about breastfeeding! Why? Because this is hard. Breastfeeding is really hard! It’s magical and empowering and all that stuff but I need all you new parents and parents struggling right now to know that you will not like everything about breastfeeding. And that’s OK! We do a disservice to each other when we wash over the negative feelings that breastfeeding can bring us. We can find comfort and community in the tough things that we deal with just like with any other journey in life. It’s the secret to our success. So let’s get to it. 10 things I hate about breastfeeding!

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Bad Day From a Kid’s Perspective

How can I say this? Today was shitty. Yes, shitty, that works.

It started off grand with a 45 minute run through the park pushing my 2 boys, sun shining, healthy breakfast, I was kicking life’s ass and it wasn’t even 9am.

Then we decided to go to the beach. It’s in the 80’s here in Chicago and we never miss a chance to crowd onto the streets when the sun is out. But with a plan like this with a 6-year-old and 3-year-old you must have zen-like patience. And I have the patience of a crocodile. [Read more…]

A Review of Baby Bee Hummingbirds Keepsake Jewelry

I love watching my kids grow up. I learn something new about them every day. But it also gives me pangs of sadness when I realize that each passing moment is history. I will never get this time back with them. I look at photos of my 4-year-old as a baby and I feel like I barely remember those days! My 16-month-old is toddling around and I will never hold his newborn body in my arms again, I will never feel that new-mom vulnerability, never feel the intensity of having a new baby completely dependent on me every moment. [Read more…]

Motherhood Not Martyr-hood


Exley has really fallen in love with bubble baths. So much so that he demands them a couple of times a day. It’s winter here in Chicago with lots of inside time.

He takes them so often that I have gotten sick of picking up the toys. So I just kick them to the side when I take a shower. [Read more…]

Full-Term Breastfeeding

By Sara Sites

Sara Sites extended breastfeeding
I want to share a picture with you all.  This was taken on August 19th 2015- the day Jack turned 5…the 5th anniversary of our breastfeeding journey.  [Read more…]

40 is the New Badass

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, tandem nursing.

Happy birthday to me! Today I turn 40. Such an epic milestone. I could have told you with great certainty at every year of my life what I would be doing at age 40 and it would never have included breastfeeding an almost 5-year-old and a 2-year-old, being a stay-at-home mom and mommy blogging. [Read more…]

This is Life

Every night at 8pm I come out of our bedroom after nursing Jack to sleep. I meet my husband in the dark hallway who has just come up from rocking Exley to sleep. I pull my left breast out of the top of my shirt. I place my left hand on Exley’s back and my right hand under his bottom. My husband places his right hand on Exley’s lower back and his left hand on Exley’s arm. I scoop Exley to my breast. I carry him into our room and lie down next to Jack while Exley nurses for a few minutes. I slip my nipple out of his mouth. I stand up and look back at my 2 little boys sleeping next to each other as I quietly leave the room. [Read more…]

He’s Just a Baby

When my first son, Jack, was about 18 months during his second Christmas holiday. As usual my little sister was visiting from NYC. She is 11 years younger than me and has no children. She came to visit a couple of times a year and had spent time with Jack only a handful of times. [Read more…]

Women Are Human Beings

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, breastfeeding.

The most revolting thing about being a woman is how we are constantly picked apart. We are evaluated, ranked and classified based on what we wear, say, think, feel, do. Yet this is so deeply ingrained in our culture that we rarely notice when it is happening and even do it to ourselves and each other. [Read more…]

Dear Mama Friend

I am writing to you today because I can see that you have been crying. I know that you are struggling to keep your cool. You wonder how you can possibly get through the day. You doubt that you are capable of being a really good parent. Things aren’t going as planned. You tried so hard, but it’s falling apart. It seems like everyone has it together but you. Like you have failed yourself and your kids. Sometimes you want to run out of the house and never come back. Some days you feel like you don’t even like your own kids. Then you are flooded with guilt and anxiety that you could even think such a thing. [Read more…]