A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

17 More Days

By Jenny Manos

Jenny Manos pumping at work

17 more days.
17 more days until I reach my goal of nursing my second child for an entire year.
13 more days of pumping at work.
I pumped because I couldn’t afford to stay home the whole time I was nursing. [Read more…]

Milkies by Fairhaven Health Review and Giveaway!

I’ve seen a lot of products in this blogger job over the years. You badasses have grown this community to a pretty nice size and companies are eager to show you their stuff. I put the kibosh on much of it because it’s useless, expensive or doesn’t fill a real need.

I have noticed something pretty remarkable; the best products are created by the people who have experienced a gap firsthand. A lot of us can identify a gap, but a special few can envision a way to fill it. A couple of those people are Helen and Tobi. [Read more…]

Full Figure Ambassador & Model Search

You know who has the perfect body? You do. Your body is yours, it is completely unique and no matter how you feel about it, it is the perfect vessel through which you are experiencing this life with right now. [Read more…]

Ask an Expert: Establishing the Freezer Stash

By Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA

Fan Question:

“I’m trying to establish a pumping routine to have a milk stash. My daughter is a month old and I have only pumped a few times. Every time I do, she drinks my pumped milk sometime that day because I’m low after I pump. Every time I think about pumping I worry that she will need the milk, so I don’t and then I leak lol. Need some advice as to how to establish a good pumping routine and have a good stash….thanks” [Read more…]

Tara’s Breastfeeding Story

By Guest Blogger Tara

Tara with newborn

I found out I was pregnant on thanksgiving day of 2012. My Fiancé and I were so excited! I always knew that I wanted to breastfeed and did my research on it throughout the pregnancy. I also knew I wanted a natural birth, mostly because I already have a high pain tolerance and I’m very sensitive to medications. EVERYONE I knew (family, coworkers, strangers, etc.) told me breastfeeding was painful, awkward, difficult, etc. they also told me once I was in labor I’d be begging for pain medicine like they all were. Their lack of confidence in my decisions only made me more determined to stick to my plans! [Read more…]