A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Breastfeeding Is Not Sexual… At All

We have dedicated an entire episode of The Badass Breastfeeding Podcast to this topic! Click here!

We’ve been talking sex and breasts lately and it has become apparent that we need some education on the issue.

Sex organs are defined as organs involved in sexual reproduction. The testes in the male and the ovaries in the female are the primary sex organs. The genitals and the internal sex organs are the secondary sex organs. [Read more…]

Breasts Are Not Sex Organs: Lessons From Breastfeeding

We have dedicated an entire episode of The Badass Breastfeeding Podcast to this topic! Click here!

Seriously folks. Sorry to burst your bubble, but breasts are not sex organs. And therefore you need to stop using this as an excuse to regulate them. Breasts on a female are no different than those on a male. They just make more milk. Yes, I said “more” because male breasts can also make some milk.

The sexual feelings you and I have about breasts is cultural. I’m fine with that. I definitely use my breasts during sex. I also use my hands and my mouth. But there aren’t any laws that say I need to keep those covered. Surely you’d think that was crazy. [Read more…]

Breastfeeding and Boobs

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, breastfeeding in public

They are just boobs. Boobs in all their glory. Boobs are so awesome people just don’t even know it. They have so many uses. They are incredible! So then why is it that people freak out at the sight of a breastfeeding mother? Even go to such lengths to shield their children’s eyes! Yet we walk around the mall and flip through magazines with magnificent boobs on display and no one blinks.

My theory is that breasts have become so fetishized (as means of controlling women and our bodies) that when people see breastfeeding they see it as a sexual act. And therefore are repulsed by it.

The more we breastfeed in public and the more we question the insanity and the more we confront the dysfunction of society the better chance we have of our children and grandchildren growing up in a saner world.

Bottle Versus Breast: The Real Fight

I have never been shamed for breastfeeding. But saying that I have never been shamed for breastfeeding is like saying that I have never been raped. It doesn’t really matter. I still live in fear of it. No, I don’t mean shuddering in fear and unable to live my life. I mean my behavior (and yours) is shaped by the experiences of other women. I don’t walk alone at night. I am always aware of my surroundings. I walk briskly through empty parking garages. I would never think of cutting down an alley at night. As a matter of fact, I won’t even do it during the day in my neighborhood. I have lived my whole life being shaped by a culture where women are brutally abused every single day, where the responsibility lies on me to not be victimized. [Read more…]

Is Breastfeeding a Feminist Issue?

“Abby, why are you steady blowing up my newsfeed with feminist posts? This is a breastfeeding page, I don’t need to hear about all this. Stop trying to make breastfeeding a feminist issue!”

the-truth-will-set-you-free-but-first-it-will-piss-you-off [Read more…]

What Are Breasts Really For?

If a woman decides that her breasts are sexual then we have to accept that. If she decides that her breasts are purely for feeding her baby and that they lack any sexual meaning whatsoever, then that’s her truth. Breasts are whatever we want them to be. “We” as in the owners of them. Society has decided that we are not the owners of our breasts and that they are sexual because everyone else wants them to be. This is how a woman’s body becomes sexualized, and it’s not about sex, it’s about control. This way we remain sexual in the eyes of society and our primary purpose is to sell products and satisfy sexual fantasies. [Read more…]