A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

What To Do When Your Family Asks You To Cover Up When You’re Breastfeeding

Guest post by Lindsay White, Owner of The Little Milk Bar

Breastfeeding isn’t easy. In fact, it might be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. From the cluster feeds, to the all nighters, to the “no break” days… your baby literally depends on you for life. 

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Breastfeeding Is Not Sexual… At All

We have dedicated an entire episode of The Badass Breastfeeding Podcast to this topic! Click here!

We’ve been talking sex and breasts lately and it has become apparent that we need some education on the issue.

Sex organs are defined as organs involved in sexual reproduction. The testes in the male and the ovaries in the female are the primary sex organs. The genitals and the internal sex organs are the secondary sex organs. [Read more…]

Legislation Is Sexy: Texans Need Your Help!

By Krisdee Donmoyer

Nurse-ins are sexy.

Not hubba hubba sexy, of course.  They have an allure.  Many breastfeeding advocates enjoy the powerful feeling of protest, the standing in solidarity to support breastfeeding mothers and babies.  Social media really amplifies the feeling, too – it’s exciting to feel swept up in something bigger than yourself, that feels so fast and furious and righteous.

Krisdee Donmoyer breastfeeding in public.

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