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How to Get a Free Breastpump; A Review of Aeroflow Breastpumps

Nothing is really ever free, is it? Even when advertised as free it usually comes with a price somewhere down the line. Like a free magazine subscription, only to discover the first issue was free, but not the rest! They send them anyway because now they’ve got you. And the bill comes in the mail with not much you can do because you’ve already read the magazine. And, oh boy, try calling customer service. It’s really just an 800 number to some people who are trying to sell you more things.

I am here to tell you about something that really is free from start to finish. Your breast pump. I know, I know, it’s really hard to believe. Maybe you so much don’t believe me that you are thinking of clicking away from this post. Maybe your friend said she tried and it didn’t work so you never bothered to try. Maybe you have even already reached out to your insurance company and they told you that you aren’t eligible. Whatever the reason is that you aren’t holding your free breast pump yet, let’s set it aside for a minute and educate ourselves about the law and the process.

The Affordable Care Act states that everyone qualifies for an insurance covered breast pump. However, many insurance company agents aren’t properly educated about the law or the policy of their employer. It’s not uncommon, they are not breast pump experts. This is where Aeroflow comes in. Aeroflow is a company whose sole purpose is to walk you through the process of getting your free breast pump through your insurance company. Everyone there is an expert on the law as it pertains to breast pumps. They know every nuance of the law and the process. They know exactly how to communicate with your medical professionals and your insurance company.




First, visit their website. The form is right there and is simple to fill out. I put a screen shot of the form in this post because I know there are some people who are still skeptical. The form is really there. Just click and fill it out.

Then you will receive an email from an Aeroflow breast pump specialist confirming your information and what type of correspondence you prefer (phone, email, etc.) You will work with this specialist throughout the process. This person will tell you which pumps you for and help you choose one. If you need to get a prescription from your medical doctor Aeroflow will do this for you.

Going directly through your insurance company to receive your insurance covered breast pump will be a headache at best. They might tell you right off the bat that you don’t qualify for one. It happens that moms don’t qualify, but it is extremely rare. It’s more likely that your insurance company agent just doesn’t understand the process. You’re much better off calling Aeroflow and having them do it for you.

You are only eligible for your insurance covered breast pump for a period of time based on your due date so fill out the form today! They will tell you when you qualify and they will even reach out again at a later date if you don’t yet qualify.

Aeroflow covers a wide range of insurance companies, but there are a few they don’t cover. In this case they will reach out to one of their partner suppliers to help you in the off chance that they can’t.

Who doesn’t love something for free? Especially when it comes at a time when you are giving so much of yourself to give your baby your precious breastmilk! Going back and forth with an insurance company is not something you feel like doing right now. And it’s not something you should waste your time with when you are better off lying skin to skin with your new squish. So just fill out the form and Aeroflow will help you get that package at your door.

Click here to get started!