A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Archives for May 2014

The Big Birth Giveaway

In less than 1 month I will be welcoming a new baby into my life. You all have touched my life in such a deep and profound way that I want to share this event with you. I want to invite you to enter this giveaway for a change to win all of these amazing prizes from supportive and Badass sponsors that help keep this mission alive. I must limit this to US entires only, I hope you understand. Please enter to win and then tell me what winning this prize package would mean to you! [Read more…]

5 Things I Guarantee You’re Doing Right as a Mom

It’s really common and actually pretty awesome that we Moms give ourselves such a hard time. We do this so that we can be better for our kids. We are constantly analyzing how things went down in certain situations, how we could have handled it better and what we need to change to give our kids the best. But it’s easy to forget that there are things that we are doing right all the time. Every single day we do some really amazing things for our kids. I bet you do these 5 things for your kids and you are a super hero to them because of it! [Read more…]

Blood and All It’s Lessons

Apparently I require strong messages from the universe in order for things to sink into my stubborn brain. When I was pregnant with Jack I thought I was really pushing myself. I worked up until the day before I was hospitalized to be induced. I worked with abused and neglected teenagers at a residential facility. I continued to run groups, conduct sessions and hang out on the floor. I thought I was really Badass. [Read more…]

11 Affirmations of Birth

Before Jack came along and I was introduced to the world of parenting I had never heard of things like midwives, doulas, home births or birth affirmations. I probably would have laughed at these things, called them “hippie” and said they had no place in modern society. Since then I have come to not only feel that they have more of a place in society than most of the things I went through giving birth to Jack, but also to feel a deep sense of empowerment as I internalize more of the values behind these concepts. [Read more…]

Ask an Expert: Engorgement

by Wendy Wisner, IBCLC

Fan Question:

“My baby is a week and 1/2 old. I wanted to breastfeed for a year. He is sleeping 6 hours at night and I wake up to sore engorged breasts. It is causing me to want to quit already. Will the engorgement stop?” [Read more…]

Let It Go

I’ve probably uttered this phrase 7 million times in my life. Someone pissed me off, hurt my feelings, bruised my ego, or whatever and I said to myself “I’m just going to let that go.” Then I turned to walk away and stewed on the situation for days on end, repeating it in my head, imaging up various outcomes.  They didn’t know that I was bothered so I figured I had “won.” But did I really ever let it go? Have I at age 37 ever let anything go? [Read more…]

Ask an Expert: Breastfed Baby Bowel Movements

By Anne Smith, IBCLC

Fan Question:

What is normal for a breastfed baby in regard to bowel movements?” [Read more…]