A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

This Is How Co-Sleeping Can Support Breastfeeding – And How You Can Do It Safely

By Wendy Wisner, IBCLC

One of the things that surprised me most about breastfeeding was just how frequently my baby wanted to do it. I was told that babies needed to nurse every 2-3 hours, and would sleep a longer stretch at night. But that was not my experience at all.

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Nursies When the Sun Shines: Author Interview

Nursies When the Sun Shines

  1. What is your name? What is the name of your book and what is it about?

My name is Katherine Havener.  My book is Nursies When the Sun Shines and it’s a book that is meant to help moms communicate with their toddlers that nursing is for the daytime and that nighttime is for sleeping. [Read more…]

Sage Nighttime Parenting: Author Interview



  1. What is your name? What is the name of your book and what is it about?

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