A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Babywearing is Badass: So Says the Science

By Neve Spicer

Some people might regard babywearing as a mere fashion statement. Sure, they think, those fancy wraps look hip, but do they really serve any function?

According to the science, yes.

At one time, babywearing was standard practice among mothers everywhere. Its decline, especially in the West, led many to assume it was a dying habit. With International Babywearing Week upon us, however, advocates are standing up to say that wearing our babies is back and it’s here to stay. [Read more…]

Kangaroo Care Awareness

When my first son, Jack, was born I probably resembled the victim of a bar fight more than a mother. I was not physically or emotionally prepared for the birth and far less for the transition to motherhood. I was scared, scarred, isolated and uninformed. I worked at breastfeeding, but anything else that the nurses brought up I just brushed off. It hurts my mama heart now to think back to how little I knew despite how much I thought I knew. No one told me anything. Topics came up and were quickly dropped. I still wonder why no one pushed certain things with me. One of those topics being skin-to-skin contact. [Read more…]

Badass Babywearer of the Week; 2-17-14

Grandfather wearing newborn

I was walking with Jack through our neighborhood community garden last summer when I saw this man walk in. [Read more…]