A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

My Birthday Breastfeeding Story

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, tandem breastfeeding

I have made various posts lately asking you all to share how long you have been nursing. Even I get surprised at how many of us are nursing toddlers and small children. [Read more…]

Politically Incorrect Breastfeeder

By Jean, Politically Incorrect Mother

I’ve earned the right to judge formula feeding mothers

Call me judgemental but reading on and on about how we aren’t allowed to judge mothers who feed their babies formula pisses me off. Obviously I don’t mean mothers who really truly genuinely can’t breastfeed or sometimes even ones who tried really really hard and eventually gave up. But if you didn’t try at all because you just didn’t want to, then I judge you. You’re knowingly not doing what’s best for your baby right from the start because there’s an easier way. [Read more…]