A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Ask an Expert: The Return of Your Period

By Robin Kaplan, IBCLC

Fan Question;

“Is it normal to start your period 4.5 months into breastfeeding my twins? Does it mean my milk will dry up? Any ideas.” [Read more…]

Perseverance Through Breastfeeding Struggles

by Kimberly

My daughter and I had a very rough start to breastfeeding.  I knew very little about it, besides I wanted to bf.  When she was born, she didn’t latch on like everyone said she would/should.  I had nurses grabbing my breast and shoving it into my daughters mouth (upsetting us both).  Then I was told she had trouble latching because I had flat nipples.  I had never heard of flat nipples but I was suddenly very ashamed of my body.  I felt disgusting and like a failure.  [Read more…]