A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Our Bodies Are Not Broken

When I was pregnant with my second son, Exley, people would often ask if this birth would be the one that righted all the wrongs from the first. I never felt that was the case since the birth of my first son gave me my beautiful son and also got me to where I am today. Learning to breastfeed was so hard so I figured I had my big empowering moment when it started to work for us. My first birthing experience was traumatic, but it taught me so much that I can’t call it “wrong.” There were plenty of things that I wanted to do differently the second time, but I don’t think I would have had the second experience without the first. So, essentially, both birth experiences served an important purpose. [Read more…]

The Home Birth of Sweet Wyatt William

By Sally Sites

In October 2005, I met the first love of my life- my wonderful husband Jake.  On August 19th 2010, my second love was born (plans for a natural, relaxed birth center birth were derailed by a pitocin induction at the hospital…I still birthed as naturally as I could while tethered to an IV lying in a bed but it was everything I didn’t want).  My passion for all things pregnancy/birth/breastfeeding developed as I grew into my new role as a mom to my darling little man.   [Read more…]

I’m Planning a Homebirth

I want to begin by saying that this is the hardest blog post I have ever written. I say that in all seriousness after 2 years of blogging about my deepest, darkest secrets. I’ve been staring at it for weeks. Typing, backspacing, retyping. It’s been hard because there is so much to say. I thought about making this a series, but at this point I cannot figure out how to break up this information. [Read more…]