A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Milkies by Fairhaven Health Review and Giveaway!

I’ve seen a lot of products in this blogger job over the years. You badasses have grown this community to a pretty nice size and companies are eager to show you their stuff. I put the kibosh on much of it because it’s useless, expensive or doesn’t fill a real need.

I have noticed something pretty remarkable; the best products are created by the people who have experienced a gap firsthand. A lot of us can identify a gap, but a special few can envision a way to fill it. A couple of those people are Helen and Tobi. [Read more…]

Exclusive Pumping Part 3 – Perspectives

Like everyone, when I had a baby, my life completely changed. And because I had spent two hours a day tied to a breast pump since my baby’s birth, being a mother and an exclusive pumper became very intertwined for me. Exclusive pumping was a big part of my identity. Because of this, it was really important to me that I was successful. This meant (after my supply snafu early on, when I would skip pumping sessions more than I should have) being a bit obsessive about getting my pumping sessions in.

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Exclusive Pumping Part 1 – Making the Decision

By Amanda Glenn

Before I had my first baby, I had three missed miscarriages (which means I didn’t know I’d miscarried until we had an ultrasound and there was no heartbeat). As a result, I was kind of used to being told by healthcare providers that my body had failed at what it was supposed to do. Of course, most of them were very kind, and they would never have intended that I take the sad news this way. But that’s how I felt while I when devastated by the losses and unsure about whether or not I would ever have a baby. [Read more…]