A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Dear Moms at the Park

No, this isn’t one of those judgey posts about seeing Moms at the park on their cell phones or what they say to their kids. Who am I to judge anyway? I snapped at my toddler this morning making his already rough morning even worse. No, I can’t look down at anyone from any Gentle Parenting Tower.


This is a thank you letter. Thank you for helping distract my toddler when he started to meltdown and you saw me struggling with my newborn. Thank you for talking him into playing chase with your little girl to give me some moments of calm. Thank you for offering him a snack when I had no hands to get one. Thank you for not giving me a dirty look when I was tandem nursing said toddler and said newborn. Thank you. Just thank you. Thank you all for making this a little bit of a village today.

Abby Theuring, MSW