A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Who Cries Over Spilled Milk?

By Shalmeka Sweet

I always knew I wanted to breastfeed my child. However, my plans for breastfeeding my daughter were almost derailed after my daughter was born 10 weeks early. I was admitted to the hospital after a routine doctor’s appointment. My prognosis changed daily and I wanted to be ready for the first latch upon her arrival. Being the planner that I am, I immediately called my insurance company to request a breast pump. I’d read pumping can increase milk production for premature births. The insurance company advised me I was eligible for a free breast pump. However, since I had not delivered the baby, they would need a note from the hospital stating my admittance due to prematurity. The hospital provided the letter but it was faced with opposition as they could not fathom my concern with obtaining a breast pump. They submitted the letter to the insurance company while I was a mother in-waiting to possibly deliver my daughter at any moment. After being admitted into the hospital for almost two weeks my daughter was born via emergency c-section due to heart rate irregularity. 

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A Badass Breastfeeding Story by Rosie

Gracen at 3 days and 3 months.

I want to share my story with you. My son is now 3 months old. I read and read while I was pregnant and decided I wanted a natural labor to be home as long as possible and do be coached by my husband through the pain and hopefully out of a hospital bed. That all changed on July 28, 2013. I went to the hospital for a non-stress test because I was 10 days overdue. [Read more…]