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Search Results for: babywearing

Breastfeeding and Babywearing!

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder discusses tips and tricks to help you breastfeed in a baby carrier. This will help you become hands-free and mobile all while breastfeeding your baby or toddler!

Babywearing is Badass: So Says the Science

By Neve Spicer

Some people might regard babywearing as a mere fashion statement. Sure, they think, those fancy wraps look hip, but do they really serve any function?

According to the science, yes.

At one time, babywearing was standard practice among mothers everywhere. Its decline, especially in the West, led many to assume it was a dying habit. With International Babywearing Week upon us, however, advocates are standing up to say that wearing our babies is back and it’s here to stay. [Read more…]

A New Definition of Breastfeeding While Babywearing

Breastfeeding while babywearing comes in more than 1 form.

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, breastfeeding while babywearing

Make Babywearing Mainstream

Discovering babywearing was an empowering event for me. While I was initially drawn to the beautiful patterns and variety of carriers, it was the freedom that babywearing leant that brought me fully into motherhood. I struggled with the transition to my new role as mom. None of my friends had children, I didn’t know anyone who was pregnant along with me; I was lonely. I would see moms hanging out together in the park, but I was alone with my baby. I loved the time with him and it was exciting to discover the world through his eyes, but there were times when I longed for some adult conversation. [Read more…]

Become a Badass Public Breastfeeder in 7 Days: Day 4 – Breastfeeding and Babywearing

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, breastfeeding in publicBreastfeeding and Babywearing

Today is dedicated to nursing in baby carriers. I have enlisted the help from babywearing expert Jillian from Paxbaby.com. In my opinion she is the number one go-to person for babywearing. I will cover each baby carrier and provide you with videos with step by step instructions on how to successfully nurse in that type of carrier. I often hear from women that they struggle to figure this out. I encourage you to watch these videos and practice in front of a mirror or with a friend. Then practice some more. Comfort and ease nursing in a carrier is just around the corner for you. You can do it. I know you can! [Read more…]

Breastfeeding While Babywearing: Video Tutorials

Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, breastfeeding while babywearing.

I have put together a list of videos to demonstrate how you can breastfeed in the four popular types of baby carriers. I have enlisted the help of the amazing Jillian from Paxbaby.com. [Read more…]

The Badass Breastfeeder Resources

I struggled with every aspect of transitioning to motherhood. One of the biggest obstacles for me was deciphering all of the information being thrown at me. It is my hope with this post to provide other parents with accurate and supportive information so that your journey can be as smooth as possible. You have a right to know the information even if it isn’t what your doctor, TV or grandma is telling you. Information is power and parents need to take back the power. Exercise your right to be informed! [Read more…]

ABC Kids Expo – That’s a Wrap!

I attended ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas a few weeks ago. My headache from flashing lights, loud music and the dinging of slot machines has finally gone away. I can now think back to what I saw and share some of it with you. You have to understand that there were thousands of products being displayed and I cannot possibly tell you about them all. I can’t even swear I am going to remember everything I saw. I had a 16-month-old baby with me after all! But here we go. A few of my favorite things from ABC. [Read more…]


by Danny Pitt Stoller
Danny Pitt Stoller holding newborn

When I read articles and stories about breastfeeding, I frequently come across the comment that breastfeeding leads to a diminished role for the dad. After all, if only Mom can feed the baby, how will Dad get a chance to bond with his child? This comment always surprises me because my experience wasn’t like that at all. I have two sons, and both of them breastfed. (They subsisted exclusively on breastmilk for the first six or seven months, and continued nursing for a significant period after solid foods were introduced.) But at no point did I ever feel excluded, nor did I feel I had a lesser or unimportant role in my children’s lives. [Read more…]

Kangaroo Care Awareness

When my first son, Jack, was born I probably resembled the victim of a bar fight more than a mother. I was not physically or emotionally prepared for the birth and far less for the transition to motherhood. I was scared, scarred, isolated and uninformed. I worked at breastfeeding, but anything else that the nurses brought up I just brushed off. It hurts my mama heart now to think back to how little I knew despite how much I thought I knew. No one told me anything. Topics came up and were quickly dropped. I still wonder why no one pushed certain things with me. One of those topics being skin-to-skin contact. [Read more…]