A resource to inspire, inform and empower parents.

Archives for June 2012

Finding Your Local Group: Parents Need Other Parents

I promised a blog post about how to find your local group so I will try my best here to express my experiences so far. I have an amazing local group and I want nothing less for you moms than the happiness that I experience when I am with them. I truly take this seriously and believe that our success and happiness as breastfeeders, mothers and women come from who we surround ourselves with.

Mount Mommy: Discovering Real Strength

 What does it mean to be strong? People used to call me strong before I had a baby. I guess it was because I was opinionated and outgoing and rigid. I’m guessing. I was a passionate advocate for the kids I worked for. I never shied away from a fight for what I thought I was right. I suppose that is why. I never asked. I never really thought about it. I never really agreed. People call me strong now; after having had a baby. I supposed because I went through the process of labor and birth.

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